Sub-Award and ICA Process

Upon receipt of award, RDS Sub-Award Administrators will work with investigators to initiate a request to the Office of Sponsored Research to establish, modify or close out a sub-agreement from GUMC to other institutions, such as sub-awards and independent consulting agreements (ICA). GU-PASS is used to track the initiation and modification of sub-awards and independent consulting agreements. Templates for required documents can be found in the sub-award/ICA toolkit.

Requirements for a sub-award request:

  • Award Specific Risk Assessment & Letter of Intent
  • Organizational Risk Assessment
    • FDP member organizations are not required to complete this assessment.
  • Statement of Work
  • Annual budget & budget justification

RDS staff will help the Principal Investigator (PI) to obtain the necessary documents from the sub-institution and will route the information in GU-Pass.

Requirements for an independent consulting agreement:

  • Statement of Work formatted according to Georgetown’s Tax Department template
  • Completed Tax Questionnaire

RDS will then submit both documents to the Tax Department for approval of ICA status before routing in GU-Pass. 

To get the sub-award or ICA process started, please contact RDS.

To submit a subaward information request, click here.