Idea Lab

Idea Lab is an informal discussion with the purpose of assisting in formulating ideas about research proposals before creating Specific Aims.  The benefit is having the opportunity to brainstorm with a few learned colleagues to aid in the process of development.

Idea Lab can be utilized to review ideas at any stage in the planning process.   It occurs on a rolling basis, and must be requested.

In the Google Form you will be asked to provide a brief description of your idea, and any recommendations of people that you would like to have included in the Idea Lab.  Once you submit your request, you will be contacted by Research Development Services to schedule your Idea Lab.

During the Idea Lab, you will discuss your idea with colleagues, and they will provide feedback and possible direction for your proposal.  

This is an informal discussion, and therefore there are no material requirements besides completing the Google Request Form.  We recommend bringing a list of your ideas, and research points, but again, we welcome ideas at any stage of development. If you are farther along in your proposal process, we recommend our Speed Grant Reviews or Mock Study Sections.

Questions or Comments

Please contact Dr Sonia de Assis with questions.